Do you have decayed, damaged or imperfect teeth? Wishing there was a dental treatment option to restore your affected tooth and improve its appearance, health, and functionality? With dental crowns in Raritan, NJ, you can! At Koren Family Dental, we are proud to offer dental crowns for our patients that are interested in improving the appearance, health, and function of their affected tooth.
When patients neglect to care for their teeth properly, tooth decay is typically experienced, however as it continues to advance, dental fillings, inlays, and even onlays may no longer be able to treat the decay. Dental crowns can be an excellent option for those that suffer from severe dental decay.
Are your teeth chipped, cracked, fractured or even broken? Dental crowns can be a wonderful option for those with damaged teeth, providing them with extra protection and structural support. Dental crowns can reduce your risk for additional damage or breaking.
Does your smile suffer from uneven, misshapen or even crooked teeth? Dental crowns can also be used to completely conceal an affected tooth, leaving you with a more appealing and functional smile.
Following root canal treatment it is recommended to have a dental crown placed on the affected tooth. Placing a dental crown can help to provide additional protection for the affected tooth while providing additional structural support.
Do you have several missing teeth? Dental crowns may also be recommended to patients who are considering a dental bridge and would like to use their healthy adjacent teeth in order to stabilize the dental work. Dental crowns are placed on healthy teeth which are then used to secure the dental bridge.
Ready to restore your affected tooth and improve its appearance, function, and health with dental crowns in Raritan? Contact Koren Family Dental today, we are always accepting new patients into our dental practice and would be more than happy to determine if a dental crown might be the best option for you and your smile.
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