A periodontal abscess often comes with unbearable stinging pain in your mouth. Whenever your mouth gets irritated, bacteria enter and cause infection inside. There are times when you will notice a pimple-like bump on your gums filled with pus. The inability to take out the pus immediately will cause the area to get more swollen. However, our body comes up to its defense during a bacterial infection like an abscess.
It only takes one or two days for abscesses to form on your gum when you have a periodontal abscess. Often, it is caused by infection between the tooth and gum; food trapped in this area worsens the infection. To some who have severe periodontal disease, bacteria grow under the gum and in the bone.
– Deep cleaning around the area of the abscess is necessary to ensure that the infection will not spread and worsen. Plaque and tartar are removed from the surface of the tooth down to the gum line.
– Your dentist might also prescribe you an antibiotic to ease the pain and impede the infection from spreading.
Seeking professional dental treatment for a periodontal abscess is the best thing you can do about it. If left untreated, the infection might wreak havoc on your oral health. You do not want to risk a bigger health problem, so you better be brave and visit your dentist’s clinic immediately.
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