Don’t be Fooled by DIY Whitening

Don’t be Fooled by DIY Whitening

Dec 15, 2016

When we see our favorite celebrities on TV or in movies, it’s hard to ignore their shining, bright smiles. Unfortunately, when people see their white teeth, they think that it’s a far-fetched idea that their smile could look the same and feel discouraged. There are other popular alternatives, but popular doesn’t always mean safe! Thanks to talk shows and the plethora of information on the internet, people have come up with DIY ways to whiten their teeth, but there are a number of ways that these options can be extremely dangerous.

Your Raritan NJ dentist has a safe and affordable way to whiten your smile available at our office, but we want to share why DIY teeth whitening can hurt your teeth more than help them.


Not everyone’s smile is the same – there are certain ways that you may have to take care of your teeth that someone else doesn’t have to do, so you have to take that into consideration. At our office, if you have sensitive teeth, we adjust your whitening treatment to make sure that you won’t have to deal with excess pain. DIY options may work for some people, but it may not work for you. Your sensitive teeth can become even more sensitive and you could have an extremely tough time eating, drinking, and even being out in the cold!

Irritation of the Gums

If you’re applying certain chemicals to your teeth and they come in contact with your gums, you could be in serious trouble. There could also be unfilled cavities that you may not have known you had that come in contact with the whitening solution that can put you in a lot of pain. If you buy DIY teeth whitening kits from the store, you may not always be sure of the ingredients and they can irritate your gums and may even cause bleeding.

Poor Results

Like we previously mentioned, just because someone got the results that they wanted doesn’t always mean the same for you. You could spend a high amount of money on these kits purchased at the store or created at home, promising you results, but your teeth only end up the same shade after all of that time and effort.

We want to prove to our patients that they can get the white smile they’ve always been looking for. To learn more about our available services, contact your Raritan NJ dentist by calling our office today at (908) 429-0442.

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